Lunar farm

Selamat datang di web Lunar Farm spesialis peternak kelinci. Kami membantu anda mempelajari bagaimana hidup bersama kelinci sebagai kawan. Jika anda memiliki kelinci maka bergabunglah di LUNAR-FARM.BLOGSPOT.COM

24 February 2009

Mastitis / Radang Susu

Disebabkan karena jumlah air susu yang terlalu sedikit dan harus menyusui anak yang cukup banyak sehingga puting menjadi kering. disebabkan juga karena proses penyapihan yang terlalu cepat. Tanda radang susu dikenali dengan warna puting yang pucat dan bengkak. Sebagai antisipasi, kelinci yang sedang menyusui hendaknya diberi makanan yang mencukupi. sebagai tambahan dapat dilengkapi dengan Rabbit Food. Hindari juga kebisingan di sekitar kandang agar kelinci tidak stres

Radang Selaput Mata

Disebabkan karena bakteri, debu yang berlebihan dan benda kecil yang menusuk mata. Ditandai dengan munculnya air mata secara berlebihan terkadang bersamaan dengan bersin. Karena basah, bulu di sekitar mata akan menggumpal atau kotor. Pada kondisi akut, bola mata berwarna kemerahan dan di sudut kelopak mata muncul nanah.
Pengobatan yang bisa dilakukan dengan membersihkan sekitar mata dengan air hangat dan diolesi salep khusus mata

Ring Worm

Disebabkan oleh jamur, disebabkan karena kebersihan kandang yang tidak terjaga. Ditandai dengan tanda tanda merah dan gumpalan gumpalan akar rambut. Gumpalan bulu yang telah lama dan membesar akan rontok. Untuk mengobatinya, cukur bulu yang menggumpal dan olesi dengan yodium tinctur. Sebagai tindakan preventif maka dilakukan pembersihan kandang secara rutin dan jauhkan kandang dari daerah yang lembab.


Disebabkan bakteri kecil Darcoptes Scaibei yang berukuran antara 0,2 hingga 0,6mm. Penyakit yang ditimbulkan sering disebut scabies atau kudis. Sering ditemui di daerah badan yang rawan lembab seperti sela sela kaki, hidung dan mata. Daerah yang terinfeksi akan menjadi mengering dan keras. Karena sifatnya yang gatal akan menyebabkan kelinci sering menggaruk garuk dan ini berakibat mempercepat proses penularan.

Sebagai pencegahan pisahkan kelinci yang terinfeksi dengan kawanannya, bersihkan kandang dengan detergen dan jemur hingga kering. Untuk pengobatan dapat dilakukan dengan injeksi obat yang mengandung dihydroavermectin B. Lama pengobatan berkisar selama 1 minggu

Bengkak Kulit

Penyakit ini seperti bisul pada manusia, terasa panas dan nyeri jika dipegang. Diakibatkan karena gangguan pada pembuluh darah dan bakteri. Cara pengobatan, olesi bisul dengan salep belerang dan cukur bulu sekitar bisul agar cepat matang. Setelah berwarna kehitaman, bisul disobek menggunakan pisau steril dan mata bisul dibuang. bersihkan darah kotor dengan antiseptic dan kapas. Apabila luka sobek berukuran besar dapat ditutup dengan plaster untuk mencegah pendarahan

23 February 2009

Rabbit Food

hay untuk mainan, seperti mengisinya dalam tabung karton, juga dapat mendorong kelinci Anda untuk mengutil.

Choosing the Right Rabbit Food for Your Bunny

A pet rabbits diet is usually made up of three parts: hay, dry food and various fresh foods (a.k.a. greens). Getting the right balance of these food groups is very important to keep your rabbit healthy. A bad diet can result in overgrown/misaligned teeth, obesity and digestion problems. This article mainly covers choosing and feeding dry food with a brief mention of the importance of hay, for a guide to safe/unsafe vegetables

Hay should make up a large part of your rabbits diet as it is high in fibre, which is important for keeping the gut working properly. The chewing action your rabbit uses whilst eating hay also helps to wear down the teeth, which in a rabbit grow continually, and prevent them overgrowing. As well as fibre, hay is also a source of vitamins and minerals. Your rabbit should always have hay available. A pile of hay, roughly the same size as your rabbit, each day is a good guide although some rabbits will eat more or less than this amount. If you rabbit does not eat much hay you can encourage it by placing the hay in areas he/she likes to doze such as the litter tray and bed. Adding hay to toys, such as stuffing it in cardboard tubes, can also encourage you rabbit to nibble.

Memilih Makanan Tepat untuk Anda Rabbit Bunny

Makanan kelinci diet biasanya terdiri dari tiga bagian: hay, makanan kering dan berbagai makanan segar. Keseimbangan gizi dalam makanan sangat penting untuk menjaga kesehatan kelinci. Gizi buruk bisa mengakibatkan gigi tumbuh berlebihan, kegemukan dan masalah pencernaan. Pada artikel ini akan membahas dengan singkat pentingnya memilih makanan terutama makanan kering, hay dan panduan aman/ tidak aman sayuran segar bagi kelinci.

Hay harus menjadi unsur utama dari diet kelinci Anda karena tinggi serat, dan dapat menjaga usus agar berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya. Hay merupakan permen bagi kelinci yang berfungsi membantu mengurangi pertumbuhan bagian bawah gigi kelinci yang terus tumbuh. Selain mengandung serat, hay juga merupakan sumber vitamin dan mineral. Anda harus pastikan hay harus selalu ada bagi kelinci. Dengan pola konsumsi perhari kira-kira sama dengan bobot kelinci akan menjadikan kelinci tumbuh lebih baik meskipun beberapa pedoman lain mengatakan perlu lebih atau kurang dari jumlah tersebut. Jika kelinci tidak mau makan banyak hay maka Anda dapat merangsangnya dengan menempatkan di alas kandang tempat ia senang beristirahat. Menambahkan

Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (VHD)

What is Viral Haemorrhagic Disease?

Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (VHD) is a more recent disease that Myxomatosis, it was first reported in the UK in only 1992. It is spread through direct contact between rabbits and also through contaminated surfaces such as bedding, hutches and clothing. This means both indoor and outdoor rabbits are at risk.
It can survive for 3 months at room temperature. The incubation period is 1-3 days and death usually occurs 12-36 hours after the onset of fever.

Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (VHD) merupakan penyakit yang lebih baru dibanding Myxomatosis, pertama kali dilaporkan di Inggris pada 1992 saja. Penyakit ini menyebar melalui kontak langsung antara kelinci dan juga melalui kontak dengan benda lain seperti selimut dan pakaian. Hal ini berarti baik dalam dan luar ruangan kelinci tetap memiliki resiko tertular.
Virus ini dapat bertahan selama 3 bulan pada suhu kamar. memiliki periode inkubasi antara 1-3 hari dan kematian biasanya terjadi 12-36 jam setelah mulai demam



Smudge Myxomatosis is a potentially lethal disease affecting rabbits caused by the myxoma virus of the pox family. It originally came from Australia where it was released deliberately to reduce the massive wild rabbit population which were considered pests. It was transferred, again deliberately, to France and from there spread to the UK. It is common among the wild rabbit population in the UK. Over 90% of wild rabbis contracting Myxomatosis die from the disease. Recovery is more likely in pet rabbits if given intensive veterinary treatment.

It is spread by direct contact and by insects. Fluids from a infected rabbit such as discharge from the eyes, nose or lesions on the skin contain the virus and can infect another rabbits through scratches, abrasions or contact with mucus membranes.

Insects including mosquitoes, ticks, mites, lice and fleas can all carry the disease. This means that even if your rabbit doesn't come into contact with other rabbits it is still important to vaccinate. Insect carriers mean the disease can be transmitted over distances and even indoor rabbits are at risk. (

Penyakit pada kelinci

Myxomatosis adalah penyakit bersifat lethal yang berpotensi mempengaruhi kelinci. disebabkan oleh virus myxoma yang termasuk keluarga pox. Berasal dari Australia di mana ia sengaja diciptakan untuk mengurangi populasi kelinci liar yang dianggap hama besar. Virus ini kemudian ditransfer dengan sengaja ke Perancis dan dari sana tersebar ke Inggris. Hal ini sangat umum ditemui pada populasi kelinci liar di Inggris. Lebih dari 90% kelinci liar yang terjangkit Myxomatosis mati. Penyembuhan dan pemulihan kelinci peliharaan akan lebih intensif jika dilakukan oleh dokter hewan.

Penyakit ini menyebar karena adanya kontak langsung dan serangga. Cairan yang dihasilkan oleh kelinci yang terinfeksi seperti lelehan dari mata, hidung atau luka di kulit mengandung virus dan bisa menulari kelinci lain melalui goresan, lecet atau kontak dengan lapisan membran.

Beberapa serangga seperti nyamuk, kutu,serangga, dan kecoa dapat membawa semua penyakit. Artinya walau Anda tidak bersentuhan dengan kelinci pun masih berpotensi untuk menular. Adanya serangga perantara menyebabkan penyakit dapat menyebar sampai jarak jauh tak terkecuali kelinci yang berada didalam ruangan

20 February 2009

Nail Cutting

Nail-cutting can be stressful to both a bunny and a caretaker. To help prevent injury to both parties, wrap your bunny up in a towel (commonly called a “bunny burrito”) and pull one foot out at a time. Professional dog nail clippers work well when trimming bunnies' nails (see photo). For bunnies with white or light-colored nails, cut a little bit out from the bloodline. For bunnies with black or dark-colored nails, a good rule of thumb is to cut a little bit out from the fur line of the foot. Use extra caution on the back feet and dewclaw, leaving nails a little longer

Pemotongan kuku dapat menyebabkan stres bagi kelinci dan pengurus. Untuk mencegah cedera untuk kedua belah pihak, letakkan kelinci anda di handuk (biasa disebut "bunny burrito") dan tarik salah satu kaki secara bersamaan. Gunakanlah gunting kuku anjing profesional untuk hasil yang lebih baik. Untuk kelinci dengan warna putih kuku dipotong sedikit keluar dari pangkal daging. Untuk kelinci dengan warna hitam atau gelap, sebaiknya memotong sedikit keluar dari bulu baris kaki. Lakukan ekstra hati-hati untuk kaki belakang dengan menyisakan sedikit kuku

19 February 2009

Newborn Baby Bunny Facts

Lunar Farm owners get countless calls from well-meaning people who find "orphans" or "abandoned baby rabbits" behind the shed or in a nearby field. Unknowingly they break up families and separate mother rabbits from their babies in an effort to "save" them. Also, we often hear from concerned owners, who don't know that rabbits only nurse once a day, that their pet rabbit is not feeding her newborn litter. We usually reply with the question, "How do you know? Do you stay up all night and watch?"

Since Lunar Farm rescuers have taken in many pregnant rabbits, who live inside our homes with us (instead of outdoors in hutches), we are able to observe, get close to, and participate in the activities of raising a litter.

If you are ever confronted with questions on baby bunny care-domestic, not wild rabbits-here are a few guidelines.

  1. Although rabbits build nests, they are not chickens and, after initial preparation, will not sit on their nests. They also do not stay on or by the nests after the babies are born. This would attract the attention of predators. The babies burrow to the bottom of the nest where they remain hidden until Mamma Rabbit wakes them up at mealtime.

  2. Only rarely does a mother rabbit nurse her young right after giving birth. Most often the first nursing will occur the night after the kindling. The rabbit's rich milk sustains the babies for 24 hours at a time. The preferred mealtime is between midnight and 5:00 a.m.

  3. A mother rabbit does not lie down in the nest, as a cat would do, but stands over the babies to nurse them. She does, however, clean them and lick their bellies and bottoms to stimulate elimination in much the same way as a cat.

  4. If you want definite proof that the babies are being cared for, check them early each morning. They should be warm and round-bellied. The best way to know for sure is to weigh them on a small postage scale or kitchen scale. Write down a description and the weight. If they're gaining weight 250gr they're being fed.

  5. You can handle the babies even if the mother doesn't know you. Domestic rabbits are not that concerned over human smells.

  6. Rabbits are not prone to cannibalism, as many people think. Cannibalism is an occasional result of a stillborn litter, and this is nature's way of cleaning up the "mistake." The activity and noisy squeaking of healthy babies trigger the "maternal instincts."

    Only rarely does a mother rabbit truly abandon or ignore her babies. This may occur when a very Immature rabbit gives birth, In which case, she usually does not build a nest or make any preparations. Her milk production Is also delayed. Sometimes the babies can be hand fed for short time until the mother rabbit can take over the job. Again, their daily weight gain is the test of adequate nourishment.

  7. Generally a male rabbit is tolerant of young rabbits and, if neutered, can remain with his new family. The father will begin to nip and play roughly with the sons as they begin to reach puberty and start acting feisty. Then It's time for separation. A male rabbit must be neutered before being put back with the mother because she can conceive again immediately after giving birth. They should be kept separate for a minimum of two weeks after neutering.

17 February 2009

Dancing Rabbits?

Yep. Rabbits dance. When Fuzzy is in a binky mood, she shakes her head a lot. If we jump up in the air doing the human equivalent of a binky, Fuzzy will binky with at exactly the same time. When we do this a couple of times in a row, it looks as though we are dancing together. Another rabbit dance is the dance of love. Basically the rabbit runs round and round you or another bunny pal. This is a bunny expression of love. This is often accompanied by affectionate nips. What your bunny doesn't realise is that bunny nips hurt!

16 February 2009

My rabbit is always climbing on things

Rabbit's love to climb up on anything they can find. This includes boxes, stairs, beds, chairs, lounges and anything else you may have that is reachable by small furry animals. This is to get a better view of the surroundings. Fuzzy and Thumper hang out on the top floor of their condo. At the time, their top floor extended to only 30cm from the ceiling, and they really enjoy looking down on everyone that walks by

15 February 2009

Rabbit Anathomy

The long ears of rabbits are most likely an adaptation for detecting predators. In addition to their prominent ears, which can measure more than 10 cm (4 in) long, rabbits have long, powerful hind legs and a short tail. Each foot has five digits (one reduced); rabbits move about on the tips of the digits in a fashion known as digitigrade locomotion. Full-bodied and egg-shaped, wild rabbits are rather uniform in body proportions and stance. The smallest is the pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis), at only 20 cm in length and 0.4 kg (0.9 pound) in weight, while the largest grow to 50 cm and more than 2 kg. The fur is generally long and soft, and its color ranges through shades of brown, gray, and buff. Exceptions are the black Amami rabbit (Pentalagus furnessi) of Japan and two black-striped species from Southeast Asia. The tail is usually a small puff of fur, generally brownish but white on top in the cottontails (genus Sylvilagus) of North and South America

Rabbits are hindgut digesters. This means that most of their digestion takes place in their large intestine and cecum. In rabbits, the cecum is about 10 times bigger than the stomach, and it, along with the large intestine, makes up roughly 40% of the rabbit's digestive tract.[2] Cecotropes, sometimes called "night feces", come from the cecum and are high in minerals, vitamins and proteins that are necessary to the rabbit's health. Rabbits eat these to meet their nutritional requirements. This process allows rabbits to extract the necessary nutrients from their food

14 February 2009


If your rabbit is scratching itself a lot, he most likely has fleas. Fleas are small flying insects that are dark brown in color. They aren't easy to find in all that rabbit fur, but you can see small black specs of flea poop that has been left behind. Fleas need to be treated ASAP as the fleas will lay larvae on rabbits, rugs, carpet and anything hair like. The best flea treatment for rabbits is Revolution. The dosage needs to be worked out based on the rabbit's body weight, and is then applied to the back of the rabbit's neck. This is so it is not groomed or licked off. Rabbits should be seperated after treatment to ensure they do not lick the flea treatment from each other's fur. Any rugs or material items eg. towels, that have been around the rabbit should be washed in hot water to kill the larvae eggs. The revolution treatment lasts for a month, but rabbits may need further treatment if more fleas have hatched from the eggs.

Rabbit Behavior

Rabbits mostly sleep during the day. They often sleep with their eyes open so its hard to tell when they are sleeping. However a giveaway is that when they are sleeping rabbits often twitch, and their noses stop wiggling. Other rabbits will close their eyes and totally flake out, looking like they are dead. This can result in quite a fright! Rabbits thump their hind feet to signal danger. Some rabbits will thump one foot on the ground, some will thump both hind feet at the same time. Rabbits aren't very vocal so thumping is their way of communicating. Usually this means they have heard something odd and it could be potentially harmful e.g.. A cat outside the door. Sometimes when you surprise rabbits they will thump at you to show their displeasure at being caught unawares. Thumping can also be an expression of displeasure, for example "Don't ever pick me up and hug me ever again!"

Kelinci sering tertidur sepanjang hari. terkadang mereka tidur dengan mata terbuka sehingga susah membedakan saat mereka tidur. bagaimanapun saat mereka tidur ditandai dengan berhentinya gerakan pada hidung. Kelinci kelinci lain tidur dengan mata tertutup total dan seperti mati. mereka juga dapat diam total. kelinci dapat siaga

13 February 2009

Rabbit language

Bunnies have some strange ways of communicating. Often body language can mean different things depending on the situation.

Don't hurt meFor example a rabbit with its head lowered to the ground can mean "I'm enjoying getting my head stroked" or it can mean "Don't hurt me, you're the boss, I surrender". In this picture, Thumper knows its time to go inside, and after trying to catch her for a minute or so, she gives up and says "ok you win. Don't hurt me"

12 February 2009


Rabbits are herbivores who feed by grazing on grass, forbs and leafy weeds. In consequence, their diet contains large amounts of cellulose, which is hard to digest. Rabbits solve this problem by passing two distinct types of feces: hard droppings and soft black viscous pellets, the latter of which are immediately eaten. Rabbits reingest their own dropping(rather than chewing the cud as do cows and many other herbivores) to digest their food further and extract sufficient nutrients. between 8 o'clock in the morning and 5 o'clock in the evening, being carried out intermittently within that period.

Hard pellets are made up of hay-like fragments of plant cuticle and stalk, being the final waste product after redigestion of soft pellets. These are only released outside the burrow and are not reingested. Soft pellets are usually produced several hours after grazing, after the hard pellets have all been excreted. They are made up of micro-organisms and undigested plant cell walls.

The chewed plant material collects in the large cecum, a secondary chamber between the large and small intestine containing large quantities of symbiotic bacteria that help with the digestion of cellulose and also produce certain B vitamins. The pellets are about 56% bacteria by dry weight, largely accounting for the pellets being 24.4% protein on average. These pellets remain intact for up to six hours in the stomach; the bacteria within continue to digest the plant carbohydrates. The soft feces form here and contain up to five times the vitamins of hard feces.. After being excreted, they are eaten whole by the rabbit and redigested in a special part of the stomach. This double-digestion process enables rabbits to use nutrients that they may have missed during the first passage through the gut, and thus ensures that maximum nutrition is derived from the food they eat.[1] This process serves the same purpose within the rabbit as rumination does in cattle and sheep

08 February 2009

Welcome to

Selamat datang di kelinci rex, kelinci angora, kelinci dutch, kelinci netherland dwarf, kelinci hotot, kelinci loop, kelinci himalayan
Blog ini ditujukan untuk mewadahi seluruh pecinta dan peternak kelinci, dari pemula hingga profesional. Anda dapat bertanya kepada kami maupun berbagi pengalaman kepada seluruh blogger seputar pemeliharaan dan budidaya kelinci baik lokal, hias maupun pedaging. Kami juga menyediakan obat-obatan dan peralatan yang anda butuhkan dalam pemeliharaan dan budidaya kelinci.

Blog akan diasuh oleh Yohana Narasari S,Pt, alumnus Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Gadjah Mada dan Agung Heriputranto SE, keduanya pemerhati kelinci dan pemilik Lunar Rabbit Farm.

Semoga ilmu dan pengalaman kami dapat bermanfaat bagi seluruh blogger semua.

07 February 2009

About Rabbit

Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in several parts of the world. There are seven different genera in the family classified as rabbits, including the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), Cottontail rabbit (genus Sylvilagus; 13 species), and the Amami rabbit (Pentalagus furnessi, endangered species on Amami ƌshima, Japan). There are many other species of rabbit, and these, along with pikas and hares, make up the order Lagomorpha
Rabbits are ground dwellers that live in environments ranging from desert to tropical forest and wetland. Their natural geographic range encompasses the middle latitudes of the Western Hemisphere. In the Eastern Hemisphere rabbits are found in Europe, portions of Central and Southern Africa, the Indian subcontinent, Sumatra, and Japan. The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) has been introduced to many locations around the world, and all breeds of domestic rabbit originate from the European

Kelinci adalah hewan mamalia kecil dalam keluarga Leporidae dari ordo Lagomorpha. dapat ditemukan disemua belahan dunia. Mereka terbagi dalam 7 gen yang berbeda dalam klasifikasi keluarga kelinci termasuk didalamnya kelinci Eropa (Oryctolagus ciniculus), kelinci Cottontail (genus Sylvilagus; 13 spesies) dan kelinci Amami (Pentagus furnessi, spesies langka di Amami Oshima Jepang) dan masih banyak spesies lainnya dari kelinci termasuk Pika dan Hares yang masih tergolong ordo Lagomorpha)
Kelinci dapat hidup di lingkungan gurun hingga hutan tropis dan basah. Habitat aslinya membentang di dataran sedang di Hemisphere barat. Di Hemisphere timur kelinci ditemukan di Eropa, sebagian Afrika tengah dan timur, subkontinental India, Sumatera dan Jepang. Kelinci kelinci eropa (Oryctolagus cunniculus) akhirnya menyebar di berbagai lokasi di dunia dan semuanya merupakan hasil ternak asli dari Eropa